Frequently asked questions

Why Do I Need This Course?

Approaching a film set can be exciting and a little intimidating at the same time. If you can imagine you’re working on a set for the first time it’s not like any school you’ve been to. No one really cares that this is your first job, your first film set…the honeymoon is over quick the minute you ruin the shot because you didn’t lock down the set correctly. You want to know some basic information before you even set foot on any professional set how to act, what to expect and how not to make it harder for everyone else on the crew. Once you land your first gig then you actually have to go out and work the job and this course will take the edge off that learning curve.

How Will This Course Help Me?

This course isn’t just me telling you what I think about my experience in the industry. I’ve interviewed over 20 professionals who currently work in production and they give you the real story of what it’s like to not only work in the film industry but how to be successful at it. In this course you’ll learn some of those secret tips that will make you look like you’re already familiar around a set. By being good at your job you’ll rise up in the ranks faster and get promoted to other exciting positions such as a Set PA, 2nd AD or Location Assistant. With this course you’ll how to be a real part of the crew faster and it will be easier, not only for you but for your fellow crew members, because you’ll have some knowledge of how it all works. This course will help you right out of the gate look like you at least know how to process petty cash, what’s expected of you, how to talk on a walkie talkie, how to run errands, what to have in your backpack on the job, how to find new clients….and much more.

How Do Production Assistants Break Into The Business?

Because of the creative nature of any film set, producers are very careful to only have people they’ve worked with or “known” crew members who come recommended. So breaking in can be challenging for someone with little or no experience. It’s like Catch 22, how can you become a known entity if you can’t get on a set? The answer to that is becoming a Production Assistant. That process is how the industry brings in fresh talent. This way of starting at the bottom of the ladder as a PA and working them up to positions they naturally fit into, has been an industry standard. Each generation of professionals (including you in 30 years or so) has embraced the concept of mentoring and bringing new people up through the ranks to become part of the team and learn how to work with a crew.

What Will I Learn As A Production Assistant?

If you watch this series on how to become a Film Production Assistant, you’ll learn pretty quick whether this career is for you or not. Many people have misconceptions of the film industry and watching this course will give you first hand knowledge of exactly what this business is like. With this entry process each person that comes onto a set understands the hierarchy of a set and where they fit at that time and place. Teamwork is very important and having someone who isn’t clued in to how a team works together can really slow things down. You’ll soon see the reason why there’s always food on a set, why talent can be a delicate issue, why parking can be the biggest challenge of the day, why you need to have not just a good attitude but the right attitude and what exactly does that mean. You will either love this life, thrive and have a successful career or you’ll run for the hills. This course gives you the first taste of what it’s like to work in film and what to expect the job and lifestyle will be like.